We are nearing the one year anniversary of moving into our house! We closed on our house June 3, 2011 and then rented back to seller for a month. We moved in on July 3, 2011. I wanted to make a big post of before and after pictures and list the things we've done so far and what we'd still like to do. I figured it'd be much to big for one post so I'm going to break it up into a few over the next month.
Our house the day we looked at it for the first time, I don't have one from the day we moved in but it looked basically the same minus the flag, boat, porch furniture, and wreath.
Here's our house today, a little over a year after closing and almost one year after moving in. Not a HUGE change, but we've done a lot of little things.
What we've done
Added stairs the the side of the porch
Painted the porch and stairs
Replaced the ceiling fan/light and carport light
Added a porch swing
What we'd like to do
Rip up the driveway and replace with pavers. Right now we have a paver walk way and the driveway under the carport is pavers, so we'd like to continue the pavers through out the entire driveway.
Install gutters along the side of the carport to help with the flooding in the carport during a heavy rain. We'd hook the gutter up to our rain barrel to make it more efficient in collecting rain water.